Top 10 Best Websites to Browse During Weekend Hours

These websites should be part of your morning routine in the same way that taking a shower and drinking coffee are.

When you go to the workplace, what is the first thing you do to get your day started? Most likely, you don’t jump straight into the thick of things while you work. Realistically, after waking up from your virtuous eight hours of dreamtime, you go to the coffee maker and then browse your preferred websites to get caught up on the news you may have missed while you were sleeping.

Even on, our web browsers aren’t always set to automatically load the correct version of our own website. In point of fact, many of the websites that are on our list of must-reads have nothing to do with technology. Wow, isn’t it shocking? However, it is our responsibility to stay current on all the news that is appropriate for tweeting. On top of that, those friend requests on Facebook won’t validate themselves by themselves.

Keep in mind that your visits to these locations are not for the purpose of acquiring useless information but rather vital information. You’ll be able to demonstrate your grasp of popular culture later on while you’re chatting with your coworkers at the water cooler.

At, we’ve asked a lot of people, and the results helped us compile a list of websites that we just cannot function properly without. Therefore, before you get started on your morning tasks, make sure you check these 10 essential websites one more time.

  1. Facebook

It’s not like you need our encouragement since, according to Alexa’s statistics of website traffic, your site is already the most visited website on the whole Internet. More than one billion people use Facebook every single month, and for some of those users, Facebook is the Internet. It is a place where young people and adults alike can go to arrange activities, post images and videos, check in with friends and family on their campus, in their city, in their nation, and across the globe, and more.

  1. Reuters

If you are looking for serious, objective news coverage that is less infotainment and less political activism and more pure journalism, then the international news agency with 160 years of history as the world’s most respected wire service is probably your best choice. This service has been the world’s most respected for the entirety of its existence. Reuters was established in London in 1851 to offer statistics on the financial market. Over time, the company became known for being the first to publish breaking news stories from across the world, including the murder of Abraham Lincoln. Reuters online is available in several languages, has thousands of reporters working for it, and provides concise coverage of all the most important stories. It’s just like any other news, except it’s geared at adults.

  1. Pinterest

Because of how absorbing it is, Pinterest is similar to the song “Hotel California,” which goes, “you can check out any time you wish, but you can never leave.” On the social pinboard website, you are able to “pin” pictures that you find on the Internet to various categories of boards, and then other users may “repin” your pictures. It is a method for compiling your ideas, saving recipes and helpful hints, or just gaining inspiration. Check out the several ways you may begin pinning if you aren’t currently doing so.

  1. Lifehacker

This Gawker site provides the information you need to improve your life via life hacking(Opens in a new window), and you can get it here. There is a lot of attention placed on increasing your digital well-being; however, there are also lots of other helpful tips and tricks that can be discovered for bettering your life in general. These tips and tricks can be found in areas such as food, creativity, work, and travel, to mention a few.

  1. The Verge

Joshua Topolsky, a former editor in chief at Engadget, founded The Verge with the intention of creating an approachable website for technology that also includes lengthier, more in-depth stories and reviews and places equal importance on the design as it does on the content. Successful completion of the mission. The Verge may not be the gadget blog with the most visitors (yet), but it certainly has the most buzz; in fact, it was awarded five Webby Awards in the previous year. The website now includes The Verge Video, which provides frequent video updates regarding the many technological advancements.


Slate, which was once under Microsoft’s ownership and was one of the very first online magazines along with Salon (Opens in a new window), has come a long way from those early days. In its 17 years of existence, the online journal has covered or debated almost every topic imaginable in the fields of politics, technology, business, the arts, and everyday life. It was unsuccessful in its attempts to sell paid memberships, but it did well with podcasts and was recognised as a winner at the National Magazine Awards in 2011.

  1. CollegeHumor

Maybe you look back on your time in college and wish you could do it all over again because it was such a fun and exciting period of your life. This comedy website is home to some of the most consistently funny skits and shows now available on the internet, so luckily there is enough of that kind of fun to be had here. Check it out before the boss comes in since the vast majority of the time they are NSFW, which stands for “not safe for work.”

  1. Twitter

When I first started working at PCMag, I was one of just a few employees to have a Twitter account. At this point, Twitter is a constant companion for the vast majority of people in this area, and you are probably not an exception. Even if you don’t tweet anything yourself, it’s still the greatest location to read breaking news from major news organisations, witty observations from celebrities and comedians, and some good longreads for lunch. In point of fact, if you follow your preferred websites on Twitter, you most likely won’t need to save them in the favourites bar of your web browser.

  1. Consumerist

You will find out in PCMag’s review whether a technological product has a problem or if an online service does not function as it should if the problem exists. However, if customer service representatives at your cable provider refuse to listen to your complaints or if restaurants overcharge for their meals, you can expect to read about it on The Consumerist. It is now owned by Consumer Reports, so it is continually updated throughout the day and is loaded with information that is helpful to shoppers.

  1. Grub Street

If you are a gourmet and want to stay up with the news about restaurants and the business, keep an eye on Grub Street and its local editions for New York, Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, and San Francisco. These cities are where Grub Street has its headquarters. This blog published by New York magazine contains snippets that have been recycled from a wide variety of sources. If it relates to food in any way, whether it be a law, a restaurant, a chef, or even a chain of gas station supermarkets, you can expect to read about it here.

Published at : 10 Aug 2022 10:52 AM (IST)

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